
Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela.


Education is fundamental to development and growth. The human mind makes possible all development achievements, from health advances and agricultural innovations to efficient public administration and private sector growth. The World Bank’s forthcoming Education Strategy will emphasize several core ideas: Invest Early, Invest smartly, and Invest in learning for all..

Debate from centuries, but still the purposes of education never seems to end. Should young people be educated to get prepared to enter the workforce, or should the purpose of education be focused more on social, academic, cultural and intellectual development. So that students can grow up to be engaged citizens? The best answer is education should satisfy all the above but primary purpose it to serve well and enhance knowledge.

So young men of all kinds were hearing of a "service" which did not mean being a sailor, a soldier, a doctor or a minister, the only professions in which the word "service" had heretofore had a meaning! Thus began to be spread abroad the idea that "a service" was owed to the country in peace, and that this could only be rendered satisfactorily when every citizen took an interest in good government.

Education is the process of learning and knowing, which is not restricted to our school text-books. It is a holistic process and continues through our life. Thinking Beyond Borders, [TBB] is an educational institution helping students prepare for careers to improve our world. We believe meaningful learning comes from engaging with real issues affecting real people in the real world. Our programs go beyond just exposure to other cultures. TBB students live within communities, work alongside committed change leaders, and develop a deeper understanding of the world and their capacity to create meaningful impact.

Tech-savvy college students are hungry for more. Technology is being described as the new education benchmark after research revealed that more than half of future students said technology based facilities played a role in their selection of college.

Our experience of two decades plus in education development handling technology implementation at Universities and institutional level has brought significant changes to the present education system along with renowned educationalist, our products catering all the concepts mentioned above. As of now, you can't see all these features in a single solution. It will not just reform, but definitely revolutionize the current systems with innovative solutions. Education = Future. Simplified..

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